Good afternoon my wonderful friends.
I think, it’s a good time for me to give you the best speech in front of you all. As long as I’m studying English here, I did a lot of mistake. Too much spoke in bahasa, but step by step I’m so sure I can speak in English even though it’s not good as you do.
In the next seven minutes, I’d like to share to you all about “Life”. Life is not as simply as you hear. Life has many meanings and it’s so meaningful. I just wanna ask you, what do you think about life?
How about you?
According to me, Life is a journey to face the obstacle and make the people you love be proud of you and smile to you even you have to be useful for each other and make the people inspired of you.
Life also has beautifulness meaning. L for Love, it means we have to keep and care the people that you really love. I for inspiration. Bring your life to be inspiration for all people. F for Fight. Keep fighting even though you’ll face many obstacles in your way to success. And E for Extraordinary. It means you have to be an extraordinary people.
Life it’s only for the people who love themselves. It’s not for the people who don’t love themselves. Believe it or not, you should be thankful for the best gift that God gave to you. Sometimes, we're unconscious with God's gift and let them pass you by. Do you know how we can be here? Do you know how we can be breath? Do you know how we created? It's special gift that God gave for us. To be people, we had to pass many steps and fight with other zygotes in the uterus to obtain the eggs.
God is the best creator in this life. God has many powers and powerful. We’re just a little piece of this life. So, as human we must be obedient of God's commands.
My wonderful friends, Have you ever heard about Law legal life?
Is there anyone knows about that?
I know about this one from a book that very motivate and inspiring me. I just wanna share to you lessons that you can reach from the book.
Law legal life in bahasa means hukum-hukum kehidupan. It’s consisting of three Laws. Law of inertia, law of cause and effect, and law of opportunities.
I’d like to start with Law of inertia first.
Law Inertia in bahasa means hukum kelembaman. Does anyone know the sounds of law of inertia?
It’s state from Isaac Newton.
In bahasa, the state is “sebuah benda yang diam akan cenderung untuk diam. Sebaliknya, sebuah benda yang bergerak akan cenderung terus bergerak.
In English, the state is “The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavors to preserve its present state, whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line.
My wonderful friends think about that state. When we silent, we hard to start good activities such as: study hard for final exam, help your parents, etc. As if there are chains which disturb us for doing something and just waiting for useless things.
There are some tricks that we can do for overcome the case of demotivation, those are:
1. Visit your relationship
Visit your best friends, your teachers, your families or someone who is very inspiring you. Probably with visiting them, you will get new knowledge and new experiences.
2. Read the books and films which is very motivate and inspiring you
Invest to buy books or films that really motivate and inspiring you. It will be useful to make a change in your life.
3. Making targets for daily, weekly, monthly even yearly
The Success person is running their life with good plan, and good target. There’s nothing to say late to make a change.
4. Move on from safety zone
Sometimes, we are too enjoying. It will effect then you’ll get lazy to do something. Start to move on from safety zone. It’s hard to do for the first time, but step by step it will be your habit and you’ll be productive.
After that, it’s about law of cause and effect.
Law of cause and effect it’s not only for inexact science. It’s related with your life. Slow or fast, your kindness will get reward and your badness will get punishment.
We should identify what the meaning of law of cause and effect. This law is related with good or bad habitual. It’s also related with your goals.
Do you know NATO? No Action Talk Only.
Almost the people now just speak but there’s no action. They wanna get achieve but there’s nothing they do. Actually, God had been promise for the people who really do hard work. “Man jadda wa jadda, whoever is taking their work seriously, then they will get it.”
I have wise words. The states are:
Be careful with your minds, because it will be your words.
Be careful with your words, because it will be your actions.
Be careful with your actions, because it will be your habits.
Be careful with your habits, because it will be your characters.
Be careful with your characters, because it will determine your fate.
You also remember this quote: to every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.
So, do our best then we’ll get what we hope.
And the last, it is law of opportunities.
Opportunity is not come for twice, it’s only for once. If you let it flow and pass you by. Then it would never come again.
There are many genius but they have got bad fate. One of many factors which is made them failed is because of they had no enthusiastic and effort. They just wanna get it all instant. Remember, there’s nothing instant. Even if you wanna cook instant noodle, you need step by step to make it.
If all people think about an opportunity is hard to get, it means there is your big opportunity to success. Remember, Success is for they who really dreams of it, and do their best to make it happen.
Don’t give up with your failure and don’t feel exhausted to get the opportunity. Life will teach you how to be stronger, be the winner and gain your dreams.
“Your dream is in your hands, it’s not in his hands, her hands or their hands. Catch your dream up and don’t feel tired, until you never get tired even tired has tired to catch you up.”
One more quote and I think it will make you all wake up.
The champions
Champions aren’t made in a gym.
Champions are made from something.
They have deep inside them.
A desire, A dream, A vision.
They have to have last minute stamina.
They have to be a little faster.
They have to have the skill and the will.
But the WILL must be STRONGER than the SKILL.
(Mohammed Ali)
Hopefully, it will be useful for you guys.
I’m so sorry if I had many mistakes.
Thank you Access, my teacher, my friends, I will never forget all the best moments here.
Alfath loving you as always J
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